September 18, 2024

Driving AEC Decarbonization with AI

One Click LCA leverages AI to automate life-cycle assessments (LCA) and Environmental Product Declaration (EPD) generation, streamlining the process of carbon measurement and reduction from the design phase through construction and manufacturing.

One Click LCA interface visualizing embodied carbon for a building project.
Fig. 1) One Click LCA interface visualizing embodied carbon for a building project.

Decarbonizing the built environment has become a leading challenge for AEC professionals, especially as regulatory pressures are ramping up in a growing number of municipalities and jurisdictions. Thankfully, leading organizations such as Carbon Leadership Forum, are researching and equipping AEC professionals with knowledge and guidance on how to approach decarbonization effectively. But is that enough?

At its core, decarbonization involves analyzing data related to a building’s design and material choices. In the context of carbon, this means reviewing verified documentation about a product’s manufacturing process and overall life cycle, known as Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs). Terms like "embodied" and "operational" carbon categorize the phases in which emissions occur, helping architects, developers, and building owners understand their climate impact. Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) are crucial for generating EPDs, but they can be complex—this is where tools designed to streamline data and processes play a key role.

One Click LCA is emerging as a game-changer in this arena, offering a comprehensive suite of tools for LCAs and EPDs that is transforming how carbon data is managed and utilized across design, construction, and manufacturing industries. We at aec+tech had the opportunity to sit down with the founders of One Click LCA to explore the evolution of this innovative platform, from its beginnings as a regional pioneer to its status as a global leader.

1) One Click LCA is a market leader in sustainability software for construction and manufacturing. What inspired the creation of the platform, and how has it evolved since its inception?

One Click LCA’s mission is to power the makers of a zero-carbon future. We are the global, AI-powered end-to-end sustainability software platform for construction and related manufacturing — with easy-to-use, automated life-cycle assessment (LCA) and environmental product declaration (EPD) solutions, among others. We help the construction value chain decarbonize and make projects and products more sustainable.

Since its inception, One Click LCA has grown in reach and application, starting as a company that primarily served the advanced sustainable legislation in the Nordics — now growing into a fully global company providing software solutions in over 170 countries, with team members on every continent. We also house the world’s largest LCA database, with over 250,000 data sets, and that is growing every day, powered by AI. We work with the top architecture software providers, and integrate with over 20 different tools, like Revit, Rhino, and Grasshopper.

“One Click LCA enables architects and engineers to optimize for circularity from the very beginning, through circular material selection, design for disassembly, and end-of-life adaptability.”

2) With a presence in over 170 countries, how does One Click LCA manage to cater to the specific sustainability needs and compliance standards across such a diverse range of regions?

With dedicated regional teams all over the world, we are able to provide solutions for our users to comply with over 80 different certification schemes and regulatory codes. In North America, we have tools for LEED, CALGreen, Envision, Living Building Challenge, Toronto Green Standard, and more.

3) Can you walk us through the process of how One Click LCA’s software helps in designing and delivering net-zero and circular buildings?

One Click LCA’s Building Circularity tool enables architects and engineers to optimize for circularity from the very beginning, through circular material selection, design for disassembly, and end-of-life adaptability.

Regular building LCA tools often fall short for the intricacies of net-zero design, but the Net Zero Carbon tool from One Click LCA is specialized to help measure both carbon emissions and reductions to meet local net-zero standards.

One Click LCA interface visualizing embodied carbon for a building project.
Fig. 2) One Click LCA interface visualizing embodied carbon for a building project.

4) Your platform integrates with over 20 BIM tools and other systems. How do these integrations enhance the user experience, and what challenges did you face in developing them?

Our main goal is to make life-cycle assessments as easy and automated as possible. In addition to our AI-powered software, one of the main ways we make LCA easy is through our integrations with BIM and other tools that our customers are already using.

When we seamlessly add LCA into an existing workflow, the choice of whether or not to measure your carbon footprint becomes much easier. We have a team dedicated entirely to integrations, and are consistently updating and adding to our current offerings.

One Click LCA importing a Revit BIM model, classifying environmental impact variables per building components.
Fig. 3) One Click LCA importing a Revit BIM model, classifying environmental impact variables per building components.

5) The ability to generate Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) at scale is your key feature. Could you explain how the EPD Generator works and how it benefits manufacturers?

The EPD Generator facilitates automatic import of your bill of materials via Excel or an API integration, plus ability to perform unlimited LCA for products. This combination of automation and unlimited LCA creation make it easy to scale. In addition to automated data upload, we offer EPD templates to help companies that have no experience get started.

6) One Click LCA is recognized as the world’s leading LCA and EPD software in the construction sector. What key factors contribute to this leadership position, and how do you maintain your competitive edge?

A good LCA depends on good data, which is something we do exceptionally. Our data is unmatched globally. We house the largest global LCA database, and continuously create generic data that is accurate, scientific, and reliable. In addition to excellent and abundant data, we also offer our customers world-class support and service. With free training resources available to anyone, tailored support packs that are designed specifically for each customer use case, and a customer support team that is knowledgeable, professional, and most importantly, reachable, anyone can perform a life-cycle assessment with One Click LCA.

“We house the largest global LCA database, and continuously create generic data that is accurate, scientific, and reliable”

7) One Click LCA boasts the largest construction LCA database. How do you ensure the data remains up-to-date and reliable for your users?

We have a dedicated data team ensuring up-to-date, verified, and localized data, as well as generic data generation. We literally work around the clock to integrate all possible sources of environmental construction data in the world. All data in One Click LCA's database undergoes a rigorous ten-point verification using a process that has been reviewed by the Building Research Establishment (BRE). Data is curated and structured to offer ready-to-use information, catering specifically to your project’s geographic location and certification requirements.

8) How does your platform help architects and engineers incorporate sustainability from the concept phase?

Embodied carbon reduction is best done early in the process. The longer a designer waits to implement a life-cycle assessment, the less carbon they can save, and the more money they will likely spend to do so. We offer an early design tool, Carbon Designer 3D, that lets architects make quick assessments and choose better materials, even before the BIM model is complete.

Fig. 4) Carbon Designer interface on One Click LCA
Fig. 4) Carbon Designer interface on One Click LCA

9) What role does automation play in your software, particularly in terms of quality checks, verification, and publishing services for EPDs?

We offer AI-powered EPD generation that is 3-times faster, and fully verified. EPD customers can send all of their product life-cycle assessment documents to their program operator with one click, making the EPD publishing process quick and easy. When users publish to EPD Hub, third party verification and publication is automatic, meaning EPDs can be published in half the time.

10) Could you share a success story where One Click LCA significantly impacted a project’s sustainability outcomes, either in construction or manufacturing?

A leading sustainable design architecture firm, Ha/f, leveraged One Click LCA to achieve decarbonized outcomes on their project with the City of Toronto. The extensive LCA database provided data points to inform designers and stakeholders, in early and later stages of preconstruction. This case study is a great example highlighting how architectural firms provide Whole Building LCA (wbLCA) and circular economy services to their clients using One Click LCA software.

11) Your platform is used by a wide range of stakeholders, from manufacturers to investors. How does One Click LCA address the unique needs of these different user groups in decarbonizing the entire construction value chain?

One Click LCA addresses the diverse needs of the construction value chain through a combination of core tools and specialized add-ons. Our foundational LCA tool serves architects, engineers, and contractors, enabling them to assess and reduce the environmental impact of their designs and constructions. For manufacturers, our EPD Generator streamlines the process of creating and publishing environmental product declarations.

Building on these core offerings, we've developed a suite of specialized tools to meet specific industry needs. For instance, California architects can utilize our CALGreen tool to ensure compliance with the state's green building standards. Urban planners benefit from our ENVI-met tool, which aids in designing climate-resilient urban spaces. MEP engineers can leverage our MEP Carbon tool for detailed analysis of mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems.

Critically, our Materials Compass database serves dual purposes: architects can use it to source low-carbon materials, while manufacturers can showcase their sustainable products. This approach of core tools supplemented by specialized add-ons allows us to cater to the unique requirements of different stakeholders while maintaining a cohesive platform for sustainable construction practices.

Fig. 5) Material Compass supports a low embodied carbon footprint approach
Fig. 5) Material Compass supports a low embodied carbon footprint approach

12) The versatility of your software allows it to be applied to buildings, infrastructure, renovations, and more. Can you share how One Click LCA adapts to these different types of projects and what unique challenges each presents?

One Click LCA adapts to various project types by offering tailored solutions for different sectors within the construction and manufacturing industries.

For buildings, our software allows architects to integrate sustainability from the earliest design stages, while engineers can easily compare designs and demonstrate compliance. In infrastructure, we provide specialized tools for transport, civil, power, and utilities projects, streamlining complex life-cycle assessments for these large-scale developments.

Renovation projects benefit from our tools that help identify improvements and create future-proof designs. For manufacturers, including manufacturers of construction products and MEP systems, we facilitate the creation of environmental product declarations (EPDs) to enhance market access and drive sustainability.

We also cater to specialized industries like mining and offshore infrastructure, addressing their unique environmental impact challenges.

Across all project types, One Click LCA tackles common challenges such as data complexity, regulatory compliance, and collaboration among stakeholders. Our comprehensive, AI-driven database ensures accurate assessments, while our platform facilitates information sharing and scalability for enterprise users.

By offering this versatile suite of tools, One Click LCA enables a holistic approach to sustainability across the entire built environment, from individual products to complex infrastructure projects, adapting to the specific needs of each industry and project type.

Fig. 6) One Click LCA’s integrations with industry standard software and workflows.
Fig. 6) One Click LCA’s integrations with industry standard software and workflows.

13) How does your platform support companies in meeting global compliance standards, and what sets One Click LCA apart from other compliance-focused tools in the market?

One Click LCA offers compliance solutions for more than 80 global standards, encompassing local regulations and international certification schemes such as LEED and BREEAM. The company's extensive global coverage allows users to access solutions tailored to their specific needs, even when working on projects outside their local region. One Click LCA maintains dedicated teams responsible for updating their tools to align with the latest worldwide standards. The company also incorporates customer feedback and requests to ensure their tools remain current and relevant.

14) In what ways does One Click LCA contribute to the reduction of carbon emissions in the construction and manufacturing sectors?

The first step in reducing carbon is measuring it, and that is done best in a life-cycle assessment. One Click LCA is the world’s leading LCA software provider, giving AEC professionals access to easy and automated LCA tools that seamlessly integrate into their existing workflow. In addition to providing the tools to measure carbon, One Click LCA also provides easy ways to reduce it, starting with our easy-to-search materials database, Materials Compass. With Materials Compass, designers can easily search thousands of EPDs, sorting by material, location, manufacturer, and more, and can compare materials side by side to find the best option to meet their sustainability goals.

One Click LCA interface visualizing building project carbon benchmarks.
Fig. 7) One Click LCA interface visualizing building project carbon benchmarks. 

15) What sets One Click LCA apart from others providing similar services?

One Click LCA stands apart from others in the space by offering a comprehensive ecosystem designed to help customers on every step of their decarbonization journey. Our approach goes beyond software, encompassing customer success services, expert consulting, and free Planetary tools. We’re committed to educating the construction sector and have pledged  to train 1 million low carbon experts by 2030 through our free Academy. 

We also foster a community of sustainability professionals, facilitating knowledge-sharing and collaboration, through our online Community. Every aspect of our service portfolio — from our software solutions to our educational initiatives — is meticulously crafted to serve our customers' needs. We're not just a service provider; we're a dedicated partner in our clients' pursuit of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices.

Fig. 8) One Click LCA visualizing key emission drivers.
Fig. 8) One Click LCA visualizing key emission drivers.

16) Looking ahead, what are some of the future developments or features that users can expect from One Click LCA as sustainability demands continue to grow?

Looking ahead, One Click LCA users can expect several exciting developments as sustainability demands grow:

  • Integration of ENVI-met climate design tools, enabling urban planners and developers to optimize sustainable city layouts

  • Expansion of the Materials Compass searchable database, making it even easier to find and specify low-carbon materials

  • New features focused on biodiversity impact assessment and enhancement

  • Advanced circularity analysis capabilities to support closed-loop product and building design

  • Comprehensive life-cycle costing tools to align financial and environmental performance

  • Enhanced EPD (environmental product declaration) functionality, from streamlined generation to in-depth comparative analysis

One Click LCA is committed to continuous innovation, constantly updating and improving its platform to empower AEC professionals to scale their sustainability impact. By staying at the forefront of emerging trends and technologies, One Click LCA enables its users to scale the impact of their sustainable design and construction, driving positive change across the built environment.

Conclusive Thoughts

Without a doubt, One Click LCA is tackling the critical challenge that has only recently begun to receive the attention it deserves. The platform’s evolution from a regional solution to a global leader in sustainability software speaks volumes about its effectiveness. The array of tools and integrations it offers is designed to improve sustainability outcomes, making it an important asset for AEC professionals navigating today’s complex environmental regulations.

At aec+tech, we've seen many software solutions come and go, but few match the comprehensive and user-friendly approach of One Click LCA. Its ability to integrate seamlessly with existing workflows while providing cutting-edge features and extensive database, sets it apart in the market. It will be fascinating to see how One Click LCA continues to innovate and influence sustainable practices within the AEC sector.

As always, exciting times ahead for the AEC-Tech space!